This story begins...
With the wood that framed a scenic home in the 1930s. between the walls those boards created, throughout the decades, people gathered. life was lived and Memories were made...
In the Winter of 2017, a local builder saw the structure—once a home—as an opportunity to recreate. As a means to express the purpose of preservation.
As peter zaccardi saw it, The building's skeleton had become outdated and less functional. Where most may have plotted to tear down, he recognized a certain quality in the bones. The sturdiness and rarity of Fir wooden planks to be exact—which can no longer be found for purchase. From that discovery, he decided the idea of restoration would guide the character of the project.
Its end result: a charming new cottage by seaside scituate, gleaming with unique historic detail and charm.
Open House | Sat., aug. 11th | 11:00am - 12:30pm
4 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
1,500 sq. ft.
A space for all things entertaining, with striking detail throughout.
Enjoy close proximity to Scituate's many happening venues.
Please contact us with any questions about specs or availability for private showing.
A first glance...
Peter Zaccardi Has been designing and building homes on the South shore since 1996. his work spans from extravagant custom builds, to renovations and additions.
His creative fixation on fine detail allows him to leave a craftsman-mark on every project—no matter the size or shape of its blueprints.
The keys await you.
Private showings available both weekdays and weekends.